Hi All
Has anyone had experience with odd sized Burris rigs... 4 screw and 6 screw arrangements... I cannot see why not, it just seems a little odd that Burris has done this...
Any thoughts or opinions?
Hi All
Has anyone had experience with odd sized Burris rigs... 4 screw and 6 screw arrangements... I cannot see why not, it just seems a little odd that Burris has done this...
Any thoughts or opinions?
i have seen them in a bass pro shop i the states. never did understand
Its so you can fit all the lasers and bubble levels and other such tacticool fuckery on your scope
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
AAaahhh... that explains something I guess... I am not into tacti... cool although my gun may suggest otherwise. I removed unnecessary rails etc.
Guess it would leave a little more space... on the rail and scope tube...although I fail to understand why anyone would add more mass to the scope structure.
It may be simply that the front ring takes a higher loading under recoil on big boomers, or from impacts to the scope bell (more leverage).
I seem to recall seeing photos of the odd monster rifle running two rings on the front of the scope, one on the rear, for those reasons.
People are wanting to put beefier scopes than ever on higher-recoiling rifles than have typically been common, stands to reason they might need to beef up the mounts a bit too.
I get the need to beef up for beefy recoil... I would just go 6x6 screw instead of 4x4 screw... 6x 4 screw just seems odd... but will be more than strong enough on my heavy 6.5 creedmoor....
he probably has another set just like these on another rifle