In the early 1980s I used a Bentley ( later miroku ) 4x 32 on my 303 at times (also on a 30-06) and it was good, with a satisfying thick crosshair. Held zero and accurate within limitations of the day and magnification. Never fogged yet and I still have it as a spare. When tested much later the adjustments were considerably less than expected , but just fine for sighting in.
The 4x32 Redfield (1977 vintage ) was clearer and better but 3x the price. Bushnell banner were also well respected quality scopes better than Bentley but a notch below Leupold and Redfield.
Bentley/Miroku is an authentic scope of around 1980 for sporterised 303 SMLE and will bring out the full performance of the day.