I’m currently looking at changing the chassis to either the oryx or TSP X. It will primarily be used for hunting and not really target shooting. Anyone has any experience using them and how they feel out in the bush? Thanks
I’m currently looking at changing the chassis to either the oryx or TSP X. It will primarily be used for hunting and not really target shooting. Anyone has any experience using them and how they feel out in the bush? Thanks
You changing from one chassis to another chassis??
No, trying to determine which one of those two are ‘better’, because I like the way they look, but not sure if it’s really made for hunting or more for target shooting.
The TSP X is 1.8kg by itself, the good thing is that it can be a folder, they are a bit uncomfortable holding at the balance point
Bigger Better Faster Stronger
Handle the Jandle, or get off the Beach
The Original Striker
Cool, thanks. Yes I haven’t held the TSP in my hands yet.
Hey Renco you havent stated what rifle you are fitting this too
i had a Oryx and found it very heavy for carrying compared to the Wingmans design Elude chassis [ Best option out there for Howa Mini s ]
and i hear there could be a takedown barrel option for the Howa,s too
Cheers to all