@Timmay, here is what I was taught by the old gent that worked on a couple of my scopes (retired instrument tech)...
First off, adjust the eyepiece so that the reticle is in sharp focus. Easiest way to do this is to set the rifle up to look at a nice uniform background (overcast sky works well). Make sure your cheek position is the same as it would be when you are shooting. Do not worry about focusing the picture, just focus the reticle.
Next, sort out the parallax. Aim the rifle at a target you can focus on. Do not worry about the numbers on the objective ring or side focus, those are just indicators. Get the target image in nice sharp focus. Then "wobble" your head up and down and sideways. If the target moves, you have a parallax error. Make fine adjustments to the objective ring or side focus knob until you do not get any movement.