Can confirm the Arken Zulus are the new go to in this scope segment. Was questioning going from the Pard NV008 to the Arken Zulus, but glad I did.
Pros over the Pard NV008: better resolution, better illuminator, more digital zoom increments, integrated ballistics - providing effective dial up, or holdover aim marks.
Cons: fussier focus (10mm hole in the lens cover fixed that for day use), front focus ring needs a throw lever, 0MOA mount has loose tolerances and relies solely on the screws for alignment. 20MOA mount had tight tolerances, and did not have this issue.
I had the opportunity to compare the Arken to the Pard DS35 prior to purchasing, and while these shared a lot of features (and the Pard already had the hole in lens cap, and the throw lever) The Arken won out for image quality, and better PIP functionality.