Guys, I have an Anschutz 9015 HP arriving. It's a PCP, runs at 200Bar.
The Anschutz idea is that you unscrew and remove the air cylinder for refilling it.
They supply an adapter (photo 1) that the cylinder screws into. There is an air bleed fitted to this (important).
It's designed to then fit onto a normal 200/232 DIN air tank (which I don't have).
So...unscrew rifle cylinder. Attach adapter to it (at the female end).
Then attach the adapter male end to the SCUBA tank or whatever tank you have.
I have an HPA air compressor that will do the job, but no way to connect.
So I need an adapter with a Foster fitting to attach to the Anschutz adapter.
Photo 2 shows a similar thing to what I need (if I throw away the Anschutz adapter)...but it doesn't have an air bleed. Though I could fit an air bleed adapter in the fill line...but that's just getting more complex.
So ideally a Foster fitting adapter to attach to my Anschutz adapter seems the way to go (for now).
I do have a fast fill adapter on hand that replaces the gauge at the front of the Anschutz cylinder...but I have read that they are a right sod to remove the original gauge and fit the fast fill in it's place.
As shown in photo 3. It replaces the factory gauge with a fast fill connector and a new gauge. Then can leave air cylinder attached at all times and refill from the front (like a gentleman should).
So not wanting to mess up (bend, crease, scratch, collapse) my new cylinder I thought that for the time being I will just use an adapter at the rear of the cylinder to pump it up.
Any of you work with HPA fittings and can advise what I need?