Ive been recently playing with loads for my Dads old original model 7 (18.5" tube).
I originally had been using 100gr SGK's trying to keep as much retained energy as possible for the 300 yards plus clearings we often shoot. But i used a slow powder (7828ssc) to gain as much velocity as possibly in the short barrel which worked sweet, gaining nearly 300 fps over factory 100gr federal ammo in his barrel. But believe it or not the recoil was bloody stiff, and the old boy (78 with buggered shoulders) wasnt a big fan of shooting it.
So ive recently been playing with both 85gr SGK's (a very popular 243 deer bullet) and 87gr Vmaxs (being used in 243 by a few for good terminal performance on deer sized game at extended ranges).
His 18.5" barrel is pushing both the 85's and 87's at between 3060 -3100.. When looking at the 85gr SGK (3,100 fps) at 400 yards the energy is getting down a bit (688 ft lbs) but still over 1900 fps.
Due to the better BC of the 87 Vmax, starting at a muzzle velocity of 3060 fps, out at 400 yards it retains 895 ft lbs and 2,150 fps. So a better choice out at your 400 yards max range........BUT at closer ranges you'd want to neck shoot, as going by the goats Dad shoulder shot at just over 200 yards, the 87 Vmax just Chernobyl'd them. Instant death, and on inspection (cutting a front shoulder off and opening them up) it was like a little grenade had gone off inside them. Wow!
For the distances, my Dad will be shooting (prob 250-300 yd max) I'll load up the 85gr SGK for him.