Now that we have limp-wristed nanny-state government in place, the rats have emerged and are sharpening their teeth. There is no doubt that there is a well-entrenched anti-gun faction in PNHQ, not to mention 'the trendy lefties' now festering on their plush lambskin-covered parliamentary seats. Do not expect any common sense Arms Act decisions to come in the next three years! All of the above-mentioned hoplophobes are convinced that semi-autos have a life of their own than can inhabit the brain of the user, at the same time conveniently overlooking the 'wet bus ticket' sentences dished out by the courts to violent offenders who misuse illegally owned firearms, and the mentally ill that are free to roam our streets. Of course, any changes they make 'will be for the greater good of the community'! Joe Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, and the Kim dynasty all said the same thing! I see that our old nemesis, Phillip Alpers, must have got some more funding as he is now foisting his duplicitous scare-mongering on the unsuspecting public once again. I believe Alpers is a Jewish name. I wonder if any of his relatives were victims of similar disarming and subsequent horrors in the 1930's?
In short, fellow shooters, fight this Police paper with well-written, concise and logical facts. Be prepared to keep fighting for the next few years! I certainly shall be!