Originally Posted by
Bryn at Targex has been doing this a long time but never expanded.
I'm told there is a major shortage of anything high BC in NZ and this will only get worse. It's never been easy.
I think we can agree a lot of people like these frangible non-bonded high BC projectiles for both LR target shooting and game.
These projectiles are the cheapest and easiest to make.
Who would be interested in a crowdfunded start up to produce a domestic projectile range for NZ. Usual callibres, high BC swaged jacket projectiles. If Bryn wanted to expand then funding him would be better than competition.
Design of the projectile is no issue ($$$) and the machining skill to create the dies and machinery to produce projectiles is all available domestically.
Funding could be achieved through crowd funding advertised through here, magazines etc. Basically just pre-sale of projectiles.