My old mate was a great welder...and we worked with a guy who was a blacksmith by trade (he made ornamental gates too. All nicely 'hammer welded' of course).
Plus he made a few Damascus pattern steel knives.
So, me old mate took a cheap Chinese 'Buck', removed the blade and 'attacked' it with an angle grinder.
Put in lots of deep cuts, swirls, etc (you can see where this is going?).
Then Tigged the ground out bits to fill them in again.
A nice flat grind all over then a polish. Voila...instant 'Damascus' pattern.
Put the knife together again and brought it to work. Showed our blacksmith mate who said that was a lovely job for a first ever go at making Damascus steel blades.
He was finally (eventually) told the true story.
Somehow he thought me old mate had cheated!
It did look lovely though.