Forgot to mention (Enjoyed a few whiskeys last night) that I also have Trijicon RMR 3moa fake/copy off of Ali express.
Think it cost me $45 US. The outside construction looks identical to an RMR not sure on the electronics but it hasn't had one issue. Holds zero. Good glass. And has been working for 2 yrs with a fair few rounds and knocks on my wee Ruger MKIV.
It has the same footprint as the way over priced in NZ SRO above so when I get a chance I will mount it and see if it still holds up to a bit of work on a reciprocating slide with a bit more recoil. I wouldnt be surprised if it did.
Happy to send it up in the meantime to see if you like it.
It has a mount that fits a standard picatinney rail. Not sure if it will fit the small, is it an 11mm dovetail you get on a lot of rimfires?
I also have a SIG romeo 1 here with the similar mount that I got off beaker. Has a better feild of view and is a genuine model
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