go back and actually READ what I posted...similar is used for good reason.....any twit will realise a round nose will be completely different to a spitzer....and a 130grn is going to be different to a 170 or 110 grn.......SIMILAR and GOOD STARTING POINT that will either work or wont are relevant bits......
if projectile has a cannalure you can just seat to that depth too.....manuals will tell you that...seating it to SIMILAR depth to a load that shoots well isnt hard to do...
so the OP doesnt need to start from scratch as he isnt at start point,he has already found a load that has merit..there is something about that load his rifle likes...it would be silly to discount it completely in these times of component shortage and stupidly high prices..... thats like not bothering to bore sight before using a target..cause you going to have to fine tune zero anyway........
hells bells I arent a huge EBRG fan but vividly recall shooting goats at 300 yards with one 35 years ago after making ammunition for it using a lee loader and claw hammer....powder was measured with a spoon provided with kit..... sometimes folks over think things and make it more complicated than needed.
we used factory ammunition ,whatever was in shop...and fired 3 rounds to check zero then went hunting....
hopefully next time we bought some more it was same brand......