I bought one of the first Mohawk .308 in NZ waaaaayyyy back (from Dave Tipple...I don't recall that he was 'Gun City' at that time).
Very accurate wee rifle, great trigger. Put on a set of Conetrol mounts too.
At first the rifle bolt felt stiff, then I noticed scuff marks on the bottom bolt lug.
The front action screw was too long and poked up into the lug recess area where the lug hit it as the bolt turned in to lock.
So, bad QC for that wee bit...but that was all the problem I ever had.
The short barrel was not good for the ears though. No suppressor back then.
Mine had the early models square shaped woodwork, the later ones were more rounded.
That wee Mohawk was the one rifle I should never have sold.
Yeah, enjoy your Mohawk...great rifle.