I have a near new wood one somewhere....just not sure who I loaned it to
I have had offers of the plastic stock that will do for a bush rig (thanks for the PM's guys) ....
but I also would like to try a thumb hole stock... Who has one, are they comfortable for free hand shooting.... does it help with recoil as this will be up there and I wont be putting a brake on it
The other way I may go is light as you cary it more that shoot it so might have to live with the recoil and I love my current all around rifle with its light weight but I am going shorter for this one so I dont convince myself I can get away with one rifle .. what are these NZ light stocks worth?
May still stick with the std SPS to keep the budget down incase I stumble on a cheap 45-70 leaver(might have spent the budget for that already though)