Mauser has announced they will now chamber two models of the M18 and three models of the M12 in 7 x 57. It was just announced on their Facebook site.
Mauser has announced they will now chamber two models of the M18 and three models of the M12 in 7 x 57. It was just announced on their Facebook site.
Thats very good news.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
About time, I've just about given up on a 7x57 of 7x64 at a reasonable price here in W.A.
The 7x57 Mauser is the flat-shooting one the Boers used to give the British incl NZers a hard time with their stripper clip loaded Mauser rifles. Same with the Spanish giving American forces a hard time. It was the cartridge that put the Mauser rifle on the map. The 8mm Mauser came later and as with most things, Military adoption means civilian/hunting users largely follow.
About 4 years ago I went to a Weapon shop in Germany to look for stripper clips for 7x57 (for my Arisaka 38) and the guy, about 60 yrs old looked at me oddly indicating I must be mistaken, he'd never heard of 7x57 Mauser!
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Am I missing something.......I never knew the 7 x 57 had gone away.
Greetings All,
I had noticed that the 7x57 seemed to have dissappeared from the continental rifle chamberings. It's place seemed to have been taken by the 7mm-08 and 7x64. The 7x64 is an interesting cartridge which seems to have been the inspiration for the .270 Winchester. That is fighting talk @Huntfisheat but Ken Waters, a devout 7x57 fan was froced to admit that he could not match his handload 7mm-08 velocity in his 7x57 without excessive pressure.
Regards Grandpamac.
7x57 and 7x64 both great cartridges. 7x64 is EU equivalent of the 280.
Agree with @Husky1600 ... they never went away, just belong to discerning owners. Good to see some newer rifles coming out in classic calibres.
@Huntfisheat I see your dukes and rase em…..don’t see any 7mm08 taking elephantsballs in your court
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
Greetings All,
The 7x64 came out in 1912, the same year as the .275 Holland and Holland Magnum. The 7x64 is arguably the ancestor of the .280 Remington that came out in 1958 but the .275 H&H is definitely the ancestor og the 7mm Remington Magnum that came out in 1962. There is not much that is really new in cartridge design.
Regards Grandpamac.
@Sideshow That's a tennis match I want to see![]()
@chainsaw Yep l have posted before that IMO the 7x64 is one of the most underrated hunting rounds going ,while l was in Africa another Guide had a French Built Mauser in 7 X64 & he hardly used it because we were supplied with a lot of RWS ammo & all he was given were from memory 174 Grn Soft points for it & they kicked him badly .I loved the classic stock on the rifle & used it a fair bit on Bait gathering hunts & the recoil never bothered me so he offered it to me just as l was leaving for a spell at home, l said l will take it on a few hunts here & try it with lighter weight bullets & see how it goes . Bugger me the thing loved 162 a-max doing around 2800fps in the 24" barrel & shot 150 gn partitions into 1/2 inch ,this is where l buggered up as l rang him & let him know l had taken 1/2 a dozen deer & a Tahr with those loads & they were very mild too shoot & he decided he would hang onto the rifle & take it home to Germany & try my reloads .It has always been in the top 3 guns l should have brought .
I have a small collection of older Sako's & have always said l will add a Sako AV in 7x64 if one comes up here ,other wise the next time we go to the US l will put the word out as they use them for Moose & Elk rifles.
"Fair Winds and Following Seas" - Capt Ron You Glorious Bastard.
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. " President Ronald Reagan
Great cartrigde - now if only i could sell my rifle that fires it!
It's better than the 7mm08 - it's got more capacity. It you load the 7mm Mauser to modern pressures it beats the 7mm08 with 140's and then doubles down with longer heavier bullets too.
Due to the larger capacity, and longer throats on some of the 7mm Mausers, when I make loads for my 7x57's I start at the max loads for the 7mm08.
Zero check with my Remington Mountain rifle, a 139 grain bullet at slightly over 2900fps which is what a 7x57 should be doing...