@chainsaw Yep l have posted before that IMO the 7x64 is one of the most underrated hunting rounds going ,while l was in Africa another Guide had a French Built Mauser in 7 X64 & he hardly used it because we were supplied with a lot of RWS ammo & all he was given were from memory 174 Grn Soft points for it & they kicked him badly .I loved the classic stock on the rifle & used it a fair bit on Bait gathering hunts & the recoil never bothered me so he offered it to me just as l was leaving for a spell at home, l said l will take it on a few hunts here & try it with lighter weight bullets & see how it goes . Bugger me the thing loved 162 a-max doing around 2800fps in the 24" barrel & shot 150 gn partitions into 1/2 inch ,this is where l buggered up as l rang him & let him know l had taken 1/2 a dozen deer & a Tahr with those loads & they were very mild too shoot & he decided he would hang onto the rifle & take it home to Germany & try my reloads .It has always been in the top 3 guns l should have brought .
I have a small collection of older Sako's & have always said l will add a Sako AV in 7x64 if one comes up here ,other wise the next time we go to the US l will put the word out as they use them for Moose & Elk rifles.