Hi Team
Richard Lincoln has recently become a lawyer. As someone who knows him I can only speak of his passion which many will know anyway.
Contact Richard on: 0211525527 or you can email him on: rlincoln@cit.net.nz
Hi Team
Richard Lincoln has recently become a lawyer. As someone who knows him I can only speak of his passion which many will know anyway.
Contact Richard on: 0211525527 or you can email him on: rlincoln@cit.net.nz
The Lincoln lawyer?
Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute
The crooked law society of NZ have shafted him. We need him back. He is a great advocate for our hobby.
Here is a link to a Give a little page to help him appeal the decision. Every dollar will count even the smallest donation.
Are we to take it that you consider anyone who challenges the police position, a loose cannon?
The police position being that they can make up the law as they see fit!
As an aside, I note that Clint Rickard was accepted as a fit and proper person to join their esteemed ranks.
Hmmm... Richard's history back to 1994 is coming back haunt him it seems.
I can certainly think of worse individuals who were admitted to the bar.
Welcome to Sako club.
The part I find most concerning is everybody makes mistakes, we are not perfect. But in regards to Lincolns case especially, his are rather trivial to consider him not "fit & proper" to practise law.
He probably doesn't shake hands properly and is "uninitiated" to the justice fraternity.
And Clint fits FFS, I wouldn't want him in practice with my daughter!!!
I guess when you take the cops to court and win, it gives them good reason to go after you?
Boom, cough,cough,cough
clint rickards ,barry hart both spring to mind as outstanding examples of ho hum legal beagles.jesus wept karen soich was mistress of terry clark mr asia and she was readmitted to the NZ bar and looka t the numerous bastrds with fat arses warming the seats of the big sheepshed in wellington..not a week goes past without one of em being up before the old beak for dippin fingers in the trust a/c etcetc. yup lincoln may well have been a little left of centre in some actions ,but against the named mob id venture to say hes pretty fucking tame!
stil llaw societies are just that ,a law unto themselves ,and lets face it its commonknowledge both lawyers nad accountants use their personalities as contraception.
I hear here some good argument about why certain people should not have been admitted in the past. Which to me simply adds weight to why Lincoln ought not be now, not that he should be.
Never heard of the bloke, but he sounds like quite a vindictive character. What he did to that constable’s wife was a low blow. It’d be good to have more firearms advocates in the profession, but you can’t slap your blinkers on and ignore his past because of your support for that.
More meplat, more better.