I get it what @erniec is on about, basically no smoke without a fire, which often holds true. Most of us work hard for our money and feel uneasy donating where there is any smell of bad apple. On the other hand, hard to prove something in the negative.
I don't know RL personally, but then again he is not anonymous like I am now. He is someone with the determination and consistency required to complete a law degree, so doubt he has significant drug, alcohol or psychiatric issues. His supposed misdeeds are trivial, and I know from the judge's reports that he conducts himself calmly and rationally in the court room, under exasperating police interrogation, and also with one or more guns pointed at him. This puts him in the good eggs basket as far as I'm concerned, and so he got my Rutherford. I'd like to meet him one day and shake hands.
There is only one thing worse than getting dragged to court, that is being saddled with a lawyer who is not quite in your corner.