It appears that you are seeing imaginary 'words between the lines'! I have read his submission and he definitely uses the word 'access' which has a completely different meaning to 'represent'. 'Access' in this context means the ability to communicate with, the ability to read forums such as this and gauge opinions, the ability to read editorial comments in national shooting and hunting magazines, etc. It does not mean to speak for them without their input. You frequently hear the word 'represent' used by various (and frequently limp-wristed, left-wing, 'academic') groups who claim to be acting in the 'public interest', which, of course is nonsense because they never asked anyone outside their small clique of sycophants. Richard Lincoln and the NSA work for the upholding of the law as it is written, not as it perceived, manipulated, or just blatantly ignored by the NZ Police and other groups. When such instances occur (and there is a definite small number of people in places of influence working to 'control' firearms owners in NZ) then you can expect the NSA to sit up and respond. If you wish to continue as a firearms owner there is no compulsion upon you to actively fight for your rights, but don't put yourself up for ridicule when a few less timorous souls do it for you! My apologies to Winston Churchill but you and your ilk "may sleep soundly in your beds because tough men stand ready to visit justice upon those who would do us harm"! As you may guess, I am part of the NSA.