I think it's near impossible not to have a perception of someone when you first meet them and make a stereotypical judgment on their seriousness and ability in hunting & shooting based on their equipment and appearance.
So due to this, is there a degree of snobbery involved in what rifle/optics combination hunters/shooters have?... ie Tikka/Sako/Coopers rifle with Zeiss scope, Swarvoski binoculars, and Leica rangefinder?
I suspect rifle and optic snobbery does exist in NZ. Those that buy the 'best/most expensive' so they can show they are 'better than' others? (I'm not sure how exactly, but maybe through financial class structure??). In this day and age of rampant consumerism, there's no doubting that what you own/wear/drive/use "says" something about you.
Or is there really no snobbery and NZers buy the best/most expensive rifle and optics they can afford only because they want top gear due to being passionate about the sport? If that's the case the snob value of the rifle and optics really wouldn't play any important consideration in the purchase.
So is there rifle and optic snobbery?
And what do your rifle and optics say about you .... or what do you
hope they say about you?

... or even what do others rifles and optics say about them?