Guilty as charged😄
Guilty as charged😄
I am not a rich man and never have been , but always worked my arse off though never had a high paying job.
I have usually had to give something up in order to 'upgrade' something else .
Sold my triumph bonny and yammy r1 when just got to dangerous on the roads here and used some of that money to purchase my s/hand 338 Hardy and vx6 . Sold 3 other rifles and optics to fund my tikka 308 bushpig carbon stock build and vx5 . Sold a vehicle to put money towards the volquartsen 22 maggie .
These are my 'dream' rifles and that list would probably impress very few here, but frankly I couldn't give a s*#t what others think . Doesn't change the fact that to me they are still the 'best' I can afford and at the end of the day my freezer is still full .
Everything is relative to each persons situation and although some might scoff and look down their noses at my 'dream' rifles I made many sacrifices over many years to own them and regardless of how others perceive them I probably value them much more than the other guy with the mega dollar gear , mega dollar gear just because of the brand name plastered down the side.
The value is in how YOU perceive them - not other people or the price tag - that is what matters .
At the end of the day will those named top shelf brands actually be any more effective at harvesting food for the table than my 'dream' rifles because of the labels or monetary value - I doubt it....
Ok , rant over...
Last edited by Ftx325; 03-10-2022 at 05:55 AM.
born to hunt - forced to work