Greetings All,
I don't know that snobbery is all that rife in NZ with regard to rifles, I have seen little of it. There is plenty of banter and good natured ribbing but this is what friends are for. There is a tendency for younger hunters to believe that all the fancy kit that influencers on the interweb promote is absolutely essential but this is not snobbery. It just makes them a target for the banter and ribbing mentioned earlier. Some hunters approaching their twilight years may purchase or even commission rifles that they have lusted after all their lives but not had the funds to acquire. These may never be hunted with but, hopefully, are still shot. Again not snobbery just remembering their younger life which should be treated with respect.
If, however, you do encounter snobbery then it can be dealt to with ribbing and banter which we do so well in NZ if you can be bothered.
Regards Grandpamac.