For a start, a rifle will last for 100 years.
The wooden stock will deteriorate little if at all when looked after.
Linseed oil is fixed CO2 from the atmosphere too, not fossil.
How much of a Walnut tree goes into stocks and how much is left to rot or burn and retun its C to the atmosphere ? Yet even waste would be carbon neutral if we keep growing more walnut to replace it.
Does anyone know what's the carbon balance of making a carbon fibre stock ? Or wrap barrel ? And do thet last indefinitely or only 20 years ?
Obviously, plastic and fibreglass are based on fossil hydrocarbons and should have stayed in the ground.
Aluminium has been described as solidified electricity. So if made in NZ from local hydro. Could be neutral as long as we dont have to fire up a fossil plant to enable it ... but if made in AU where they rely on coal the equation would be different.
I've been thinking abou this for 10 minutes now. Is it really a no brainer or random fantasy ?