How do people justify buying a Nightforce from Hardy’s? Surely this is taking the piss….
$4836nzd vs $3k aud…
You could literally fly over buy one, have a big night on the piss and come home, we could call it a holiday on Hardy.
How do people justify buying a Nightforce from Hardy’s? Surely this is taking the piss….
$4836nzd vs $3k aud…
You could literally fly over buy one, have a big night on the piss and come home, we could call it a holiday on Hardy.
When DED had the agency stolen from him, the prices headed North rapidly..
@6x47 how was it stolen from him, Hardy cut his lunch I'm guessing?
DED had a well-established agency and it was suddenly without explanation ripped from under them. The way I "heard it", Hardy gave NF USA the big sales pitch while at the Shot Show. However it came about, I don't think the change did NF any favour in the end given the inevitable volume reduction with highly increased prices here.
will never own one but obviously it looks like theres just too much money around and it gets hoovered up.
after owning two swaro binos i now am happy with maven and in scopes a vixen.
Do what I did… fly over, have a holiday, have a few nights on the piss and buy one.
I guess if enough people contact NF and complain about the price gouging and explain it’s why they aren’t buying NF products in New Zealand then maybe a different company might get to be the distributor.
I’d love to buy my NF scopes in New Zealand, but I won’t at those prices.
I would say that would be unlikely. From experience usually distributors pricing is based on the volume of equipment they put thru. It may just be that they simply don't have enough buyers to reach the next (better) price break. I would imagine they would be based on 100's of units for each model.
For the distributor I work for the price breaks depend heavily on the product in question. Expensive stuff (my can be priced per item but cheaper stuff often is priced per 10, per 100 or per 1000 units) with better discounts accordingly. The more you buy the cheaper it gets
So it may be out of the suppliers control regarding priceing in a lot of cases.............not defending anyone, just saying!
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Common in some industries but I suggest not likely in this instance. That strategy would only result in a net loss of sales to Nightforce as it just results in them being priced out of market. With your example the retail price usually remains similar and it’s just the seller that has a reduced margin.
Unfortunately with an apparent monopoly on Nightforce sales in New Zealand we won’t be able to measure just how greedy hardy is… plenty of sellers in Australia to compare however
Dead eye dicks make hardy look bad oright. its pretty bad being able to fly to Australia and back and get a scope included in it. The zero compromise are more expensive in us, but cheaper then the atacr here i think. it is frustrating. look at the krg stuff he was selling, 55six were better priced.
You sound surprised for some reason.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Done this thread in the past. Attempted to get nightforce Aus distributor to sell to nz retailers. Didn’t pan out.
Well we all know someone sooner or later that travel to ozi so just purchase them there… Here is the procedure given by the Australian customs. Only a bit of paperwork, cost nothing. It is strongly advised to do it if you don’t want trouble at airport especially if you want to claim gst. This is for both atacr and NX8.
We’ve checked with our firearms cell, and you will need a Department of Defence permit for those scopes.
In order to obtain a DoD permit you need to register as an exporter in our Integrated Cargo System. This will give you a Customs Client ID (CCID).
The Department of Defence can be contacted Here:
First step will be to complete the attached form and to email to us together with 100 points of ID (normally a passport and D/L).
Once you have that contact the Department of Defence.
Once you have your DoD permit please email us and we can organise your Export Declaration.
Kind Regards,
Cargo Services WA
1 Fricker Road, Perth Airport WA 6105