I have an old Rossi M951 38sp Revolver that I desire to put into use for Service Pistol matches.
Shortly after acquiring it several years ago the firing pin broke. My Gunsmith of the day fitted a S&W K frame firing pin which he said was the same but better made and stronger. (Also said not to dry fire it which I did know not to do - it broke when shooting)
It basically went into the safe unused for some time after the repair. He commented at the time that the gun had had some serious $$ spent on setting it up that would have been better spent in his view on a S&W. But there ya go.
Now that I am shooting it I find it only achieves a 50% ignition rate with Winchester Primers. What a surprise! Moving to Federal however, I still get one or two dimpled primers and no bang per 6 rd load shooting double action . If I reshoot them a second time double action they always go bang. But only sometimes if I pull the hammer back first and shoot single action.
So I am thinking two things that are the likely culprit here either individually or in combination. First is a too light hammer spring. Second is a marginally too short firing pin.
Of course a third is primers seated too high which I will be checking carefully but nothing currently apparent to the eye
Kilwell are the NZ importer for Rossi but cannot supply a hammer spring to suit - gun is too old now apparently.
S&W K frame spring may well do the job.
I would be interested in any knowledgeable advice.
And if anyone has either part, a firing pin or hammer spring to part with for me to try, or even lend to test, please let me know. Happy to sort appropriate $$.