Ruger 10/22 trigger lightening?
Hi all,
Getting back into the varminting, and the ludicrously heavy (as in, you could probably suspend a cocked rifle solely by the trigger and nothing would happen) trigger pull on my 10/22 is getting to me. While I've tried to adjust, as soon as someone else uses my rifle, the effects of the lawyer friendly trigger pull are immediately obvious. I've been doing some googling, and there's a few people modifying the factory parts (Ruger 10/22 Trigger Job, How to Do a Ruger Rifle 10/22 Trigger Job AGI 332 - YouTube) and then there's the kits like this Volquartsen kit that Reloaders has for $200.
Alternatively, I hit up a gunsmith.
I'm just wondering if any other 10/22 owner has had this work done, or done it themselves, and if so, what you'd recommend?