Nice work. They can be frustrating but good once you come to grips with the system. The last step is to calibrate the E zoom if you haven't already done it. It prevents changes in poi when you shift to a different zoom in the clip. Its the function on the sub menu after the zeroing function. You can do it at the dinner table with the attachment fitted. Pull up the function and a white reticle will appear, just shift it with the x and y axis till it lines up with your day scope reticle then lock as per the zeroing function. If you don't use the electronic zoom and stay on the same stetting you used to sight in then its not an issue but Id do it any way. Note that the e zoom calibration will not lock to the profile so if you change profiles you need to redo it each time. it only takes 20-30 seconds so a bit annoying not a big deal.