Hi sneeze,just been out to the range tonight,no wind perfect.Gave the tika 308 a gentle hoppys patch wipe.At the range i fired one fowling shot into the hill,old cheap soft point bullet.Lined up the fine reticle lines with the corner of tin foil(bit blueish)squeezed off 3 shots.Very nice group for cold bore n old eyes.Ok 3 thermal clks left.Fired off 3 shots,hmm bit left,so one thermal clip back n fired off 3 shots.Nice pretty much dead centre.Actually in the left group of 5 theres 2 bullets in one hole= middle hole.Did some measuring and the group is exactly centre to edge of tin foil.
Dialed up 3.5 inchs,good got dial up with thermal on zero.
Most important thing,write down the numbers for x y.Thermal was on 1x mag,day scope on 3x with big wfv.Hope to go deer watching next week.Shouldnt be any misses now.
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