How's it going guys I been eyeing up this new rifle at the shop it's a blaze coloured short Sabatti Rover same as the pic any one used one before ?
How's it going guys I been eyeing up this new rifle at the shop it's a blaze coloured short Sabatti Rover same as the pic any one used one before ?
The 'septic tank' forums and UK forums have given it good reviews, regarding accuracy and portability.
Got everything ready in 308 for reloading.
Looks like a goodie - if I had the 'spondoolies'.
I have seen these rifles around some of the gunshops & there seems to be quite a difference between the prices depending on the store. I would ring around a few stores if I was buying a rifle from this manufacturer to make sure that I got the best price.
Elio's in Dunedin used to be the New Zealand distributor for this brand of rifle.
yeah man elios is where im looking they have the one
The new distributor is Wellington based and a mate of mine works there. I have fondled them at his place of work and they are a nice rifle. I was also invited to the range to throw some rounds down and am please to say they go bang....... Nah they are a nice rifle. Get into it.
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Sabatti have been around a long time, and have often produced guns for other makers, even browning at one point (or at least a sabatti product was rebadged to fill a gap in Brownings line in Europe). So they have some track record.
Maybe a similar thing to zastava been around for a long time as well
They've been around since 1674.
They have an interesting Multi radial rifling system
Better bullet indexing, less jacket stress, higher muzzle velocity, less copper deposits, less fliers that standard rifling. So they reckon, should have learn't something over 400 years.
They didn't do work for browning someone else puts their name on the 22s they make they do a bit of military stuff as well
Cheers for that surely can't be to complex to break in haha
The Multi radial riflng system was developed for the early lead projectile cartridges around the 1840's. Just it wasn't given a fancy name. The new Sabbatties are really quite nice though.
The guns look bloody nice but the rifling thing is just marketing. Multi radial is similar to Metfords system for the original black powder 303, there have been lots of different systems used such as Lancasters oval bore, Whitworths, segmental, ratchet, gerlichs taper, and gain twist to name a few. All claim advantages but in reality the normal land and groove does the business and is easy to produce.