So rather than hijacking the thread below (Sako S20), Id be keen on any opinions one way or the other on the virtues of the Finnlight vs the Carbonlight .
Started to think it might be time for a change up to one or the other
So rather than hijacking the thread below (Sako S20), Id be keen on any opinions one way or the other on the virtues of the Finnlight vs the Carbonlight .
Started to think it might be time for a change up to one or the other
personally I'm a big fan of the carbonlight but that's just aesthetics for meit's probably lighter too I guess
Isn’t the only difference the stock?
Yip same action and barrel but bloody nice stock on the carbon light
Sent from my CPH1903 using Tapatalk
They both shoot the same, carbonlights are a bit lighter but not much, for me its just the cool factor
Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
Just be careful were you choose to get your carbonlight from some of the prices these days are crazy considering your only saving 250 odd grams
Sent from my SM-G980F using Tapatalk
are the NZ made carbon fiber stocks from ken henderson at all inferior to the carbonlight?
Carbonlite 100% cant put a price on wank factor
i find it fits me better especially when shooting prone
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The fluting on the carbon light is slightly deeper than on the finnlight .
I really like the Carbonlight. Besides looking nice the stock has that soft-touch feel about it that you just dont get on other carbonfibre stocks. Additionally on other carbonfibre stocks I've seen first hand, there always seems to be one or two pinholes in the resin - something you just don't get on the Carbonlight.
While the Carbonlight is slightly lighter than the Finnlight its not that significant and this makes it bloody hard to justify the additional cost... so 80% of it just comes down to the "wank factor" as @199p stated above. That said I'm hapy to take a ribbing from my mates... most of whom have all asked for a shot, needed a bib (or a hanky), or want it to be left to them in my Will.
I'm not 100% certain but I thought the Carbonlight also had a different bedding system in the stock, and my 7mm08 barrel is only 20" which is definitely shorter than my old Sako A7, but might also be shorter than the Finnlight.
If you go for a .223 then the Carbonlight comes with a short action. The short action isn't available in the Finnlight... as I found out when I went looking for one. This makes it just the sweetest little rifle to shoot and you never get tired of carrying it around the hills.