My Sako wood stock needs a coat of oil. What should I use?
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My Sako wood stock needs a coat of oil. What should I use?
Boiled linseed oil
Never been a fan, had this go badly on me in the past. I have Tru oil. Tempted to go down that road but my plan is to trade this rifle (.243) on a matching rifle in .223 to replace my AR. So I can't afford a stuff up. I have emailed Beretta to see if they sell Sako oil, so I will post the reply.
I’m onto 3rd coat of tru oil on my Brno stock and it’s looking sharp,gonna give it one more then a coat of wax maybe,seems pretty easy to use.i stripped it back to bare timber started from scratch.will put a photo up when I’m done.
There wouldn't be many genuine oil finished stocks out there anymore; maybe some expensive British shotguns but they aren't straight boiled linseed oil anyway.
Have a read of the post by noremf.
Always found Truoil good to use and far superior in wood protection to any boiled linseed oil finish. Once the Truoil has hardened, takes at least a month in summer, longer in winter, you can cut the shine back to whatever suits. You can use a high quality 0000 steel wool such as that made by Briwax, not the common Chinese stuff which has little barbs in it that dig into the finish and later cause little rust specks.
Once you get the finish you want, protect it with some silicon free wax such as Renaissance Wax, Briwax or Johnson Wax. If you need to patch up an area just wipe the wax off with white spirits and refinish that area.
Just finished rebuilding my Vixen. Used a very light oil-based walnut stain, and then several applications of Danish oil. Light sand with steel wool once each coat of oil was dry.
Looks mint - real pleased
Attachment 109502
The best thing is Artists Oil (a refined linseed) which is available at any art store, Warehouse, Warehouse Stationery, etc. Inexpensive and quick drying, easily buffed up to a nice sheen. I have been using it for many years.
I should have been clearer I suppose. I have refinished a few stocks from scratch, I like doing up wood stocks.
In this case I want to trade the rifle in next week. It has a dry patch where they previous owner carried it in their left hand. I just want to touch it up in a way that can be done quickly, which means matching the existing oil if possible.
Sounds like I need to buy some oil off @ChrisW
The one I am trading it on (hopefully) is wood/blued so I will tidy up that stock as well, so the oil won't go to waste.
Top stock oil and I use a fair bit of it
@Tussock have you totally stripped out the old finish?
What type of colour are you looking for in the new finish? Dark, dark red our light?
Here’s dark red seven coatsAttachment 109538
If you can wait a day I’ll get you the recipe for this.
Attachment 109544the Brno with 3 coats tru oil.
Sideshow I have a similar setup as yours.great all rounder.