I'll be singing all right. :thumbsup:
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I had a Savage 99 in .243 cal that I bought in 1966 and it served me faithfully until about 15 years ago when some lowlife broke into my house and stole it and I have not seen it since. The rotary mag was brilliant. The trigger left a bit to be desired. A word of caution. If you attack the trigger with an oil stone be very careful about how you do it. Or better still take it to a gunsmith. I had the confidence of youth when I did mine and I would not do it now!!
I did read they are one of the only lever action triggers that a gunsmith can get crisp.
Thats cause they have plenty of trigger to work with
You can do mine then mate, will be back with the new barrel next week.
The triggers will never be as good as a bolt action as there is too much slop in the connections plus the triggers etc will be getting fairly worn by now.
Any way the 99E on the bench is sorted, rotary mag now works as it designed to do and the action also works so all is good in the shed. Wonder what else I can fuck up out there
Found some ammo Winchester $60 for 20!!