savage axis, what a complete POS!
FMD, dont think i have ever experenced a bigger pile of shit, well not since i had a look at the remington 770.
oh, yea, thats rite. the marlin was absolute crap too now i think about it.
what is the go? is there some competition on between manufacturers to produse the biggist pile of shit, that still works?
i mean, i had a fella recons his 223 axis would only shoot a 6 inch group, when he gave me the rifle i noticed that he was shooting the winshitter 55g FMJ "spray and pray" ammo.
so i said i would have a look, never touched the thing just took it down the range and stuck some remington 55g factorys and honeydaze 55 "training" ammo thru it.
lent aganst the side of the car and shot a 5 shot group of each thru it and both showed a 1.1 inch group. he had a suppressor so i slapped it on and banged another 5 shots thru it, same result (besides the significant reduction in noise)
so what is it? the 17lb trigger that feels like dragging a besser block accross concrete. the bolt that, well just feels like is is ready to fall off. the stock that was made from melting down old macdonalds toys.
or the design that besides from looking like the back end of a female baboon in full estrous. feels like a cheap toy.
just what is the go? surely there is some kind of sick bet on between these yank manufacturers to produse the biggest POS that people will still buy?
i, i just dont get it?