Looking for advice and what to look for when purchasing...
Are they as good as the hype?
Have you got one for sale?
Anyone near Palmy have one I can fondle?
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Looking for advice and what to look for when purchasing...
Are they as good as the hype?
Have you got one for sale?
Anyone near Palmy have one I can fondle?
Contact Graham Champion in Hawera. He always has quite a few to sell. Quite expensive but well worth it.
I know he has one in .222 for about 2 k
There have been a couple come (and go) from my cabinet, none currently reside. Depends on your expectations, but I'd definitely try one quite a bit before buying one thinking you'll fall in love with it.
They are petite, smooth functioning, have good triggers and nearly always shoot well (a cobber had one that didn't and we tried quite a few things). For me the stock fit and function is OK. but the squared fore-end is something that I never got used to or liked so mine were sold.
They are generally a nice rifle, but I also couldn’t get past the square fore end.
A great classic rifle, and no you can't have mine.
Im a sucker for them, really like the micro action and 6-7 round mag. The later A1 Hunter has the better stock shape with round forend etc. Handle one or two first to see if its you.
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Like a T3 but older and not as accurate:XD:
I am not very impressed with the standard trigger weight on the AI. The match trigger is much better if you can find one. It is very difficult/expensive to find an after market match-type trigger for the AI.
How do they compare to the LSA-55 Tikka's?
The 222 M55 Tikka is a bigger action (i.e. not a micro like the Vixen) with great trigger (I never struck the Vixen trigger issue mentioned by Rupert) and usually superbly accurate. Detachable magazine as opposed the the nice milled bottom metal of the Vixen. Still has a boxy fore-stock but not as noticeable as the Vixen. I wish I hadn't sold mine - and I only think that about a few of the many rifles I've "rented" over the years, a nice sporterized VZ-33 and a Valmet combination gun spring to mind
Get it checked properly. They are old. I bought a beautiful one Awesome nick
Bent barrel wouldn’t group at all . Piece of scrap was not gonna re barrel it .Probably had a fair few rounds thru
Not a real comparison but shit my brand new Tikka would run rings all over it
Love mine, deadly accurate with 50 - 55 gn pills. Sold a plastic stainless tikka T3 to buy the Vixen 222.
Vixen handles like a dream. Have got plenty of stainless synthetic boom sticks in the safe, but have a soft spot for classics like 222 and 7x64 in walnut & blue. Buy yourself a classic piece of NZ history and cherish it
Bought one in the 70's for Goat Culling when in Forest Service ( $240.00 ) all up with 4x Weaver Scope. Super little rifle very accurate, 6 in mag from memory ( good for the bomb ups) Sold it to Beeman (Brother-in law) and he used it culling as well. We both madethe same comment jus the other day....should never had sold it.
+1. 7 - 8mm groups at 100m with 50 - 55gr HDY SP projectiles when the stars are in alignment. Easy carry, easy to reload for, 6 +1 great for goat culling, a sock full of 50 cartridges weighs bugger-all in the pocket. Fitted a Timney Sako trigger and it shoots light a dream.
Bequeathed it to either one of my two oldest sons in my will...