How much did you waste on that factory Blaser then customised it by amputating the barrel and adding a muffeler?
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Someone spending that kind of money on a scope would surely be doing it because they want and intend to use all of that el adjustment?
Is there any issue getting it replaced/repaired/evaluated by Nightforce under warranty? At that price you would think the warranty would be pretty extensive.
I'll help you out if you need and sell your mate my S&B for $7000..... :thumbsup:
I'd at least ask NF if it's normal before chucking it in the bin
Are you evaluating for an article, if so I'd get them to send you another, but keep that one so a comparison can be made.
If N/F advertise 120moa then there should be 120 usable moa.
Na I'm not reviewing this.
I'm getting 80 MOA before I clearly see the black ring creeping into view.
Do you think they photo shop the pics when making the brochures/advertising material, I feeling a conspiracy coming on!
It shrinks the view, but is it still accurate and usable?