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  • 3 Post By Micky Duck
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Thread: Scope issues?

  1. #1
    Member Steve123's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Scope issues?

    Does anyone know where to get a scope checked out?
    Have a weird issue with one of my rifles. Used to shoot like a lazer but lately it's been doing weird shit.
    300 winmag suppressed with a Bushnell 6500 2.5-16 x 42 scope. Used it to nail two deer on a rainy weekend, took it out of the stock for a bit to let everything dry out put it all back together and checked it was still shooting staright. Last time I took it for a hunt I missed 2 easy shots around 300m.
    Checked the rifle and found it to be shooting way high. checked all action screws, mounts, rings etc. Resighted in and back in the safe.
    Last two times I've taken it out to check zero's have been last weekend and about 6 months before that. Both times it's been way off
    Zero it back in after giving it a snake and cool down then check again and it's not quite right. Basically go through a pack of ammo to get back to the original zero.
    Last time was the same.
    Other rifles are shooting bang on so it shouldn't be my shooting. The springs on the turrets seem piss weak and I have a suspicion it's something funny going on in the scope.
    Any one have any idea's ? I don't really want to swap scopes as the only other one with a 30 mm tube lives on my 30 06 and I don't want to split that combo.

  2. #2
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    bore sighter SHOULD tell you...show you if its doing some funky thing...it wont be tracking right...or will move with a thump. if you havent got one,chances are the local sports shop will.....I feel the frustration.nothing worse than not trusting rifle to be shooting straight.
    Steve123, Dago and caberslash like this.

  3. #3
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    bore sighter SHOULD tell you...show you if its doing some funky thing...it wont be tracking right...or will move with a thump. if you havent got one,chances are the local sports shop will.....I feel the frustration.nothing worse than not trusting rifle to be shooting straight.
    So fit the bore sighter then 10 left, ten up, ten down and ten right and see if it end's up in the same place?

  4. #4
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    yeah something like that..... should be plurry obvious if something is wonky. watch Xhairs as you move dial...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    whats the rifle? tikkas do funny stuff when the recoil lug isnt right after reassembly
    Micky Duck likes this.

  6. #6
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill999 View Post
    whats the rifle? tikkas do funny stuff when the recoil lug isnt right after reassembly
    Rem 700 in a Bell and Carson stock.

  7. #7
    Member Hermitage's Avatar
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    Shoot a 100m box test and after each shot bump the recoil pad on the ground. If it doesn't print on each square or come back to zero send it off to Bushnell with the box test sheet of paper.
    Bushnell is not the best with their customer service but seems to honour the warranties on their top of the line 6500 Elites and Elite Tachicals ok.
    A good job and a good wife has been the ruin of many a good hunter.

  8. #8
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hermitage View Post
    Shoot a 100m box test and after each shot bump the recoil pad on the ground. If it doesn't print on each square or come back to zero send it off to Bushnell with the box test sheet of paper.
    Bushnell is not the best with their customer service but seems to honour the warranties on their top of the line 6500 Elites and Elite Tachicals ok.
    The scope came second hand with the rifle so I'm not sure if it's covered under warranty.

  9. #9
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    or the other way....you dont want to part dirty 06 from scope..........SO take scope off dirty06......put your trouble child on it...DONT MOVE ANYTHING....put up large target and shoot say 3 rounds...move adjustment....shoot another 3...move back...shoot another 3....
    IF first and last groups overlap...its not scope its something youve done to rifle...put dirty06 scope back on and recomfirm zero..... then unpack your problem child again,take note of recoil lug etc as others have mentioned...maybe bit of crap under it,jacking it up slightly.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Far North
    it's possible it is a issue like the action rocking on a bound mag box on reassemblely
    Seems way too convenient it happened after you took it apart
    Unless you have really good and consistent bedding zero is likely to change on reassembly
    A quick qero check at 100 with a cardboard box before heading out is my go to move

  11. #11
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    or the other way....you dont want to part dirty 06 from scope..........SO take scope off dirty06......put your trouble child on it...DONT MOVE ANYTHING....put up large target and shoot say 3 rounds...move adjustment....shoot another 3...move back...shoot another 3....
    IF first and last groups overlap...its not scope its something youve done to rifle...put dirty06 scope back on and recomfirm zero..... then unpack your problem child again,take note of recoil lug etc as others have mentioned...maybe bit of crap under it,jacking it up slightly.
    This is two shots out of the dirty 06. Same day about 1/2 an hour apart. I'm not swapping scopes unless I absolutley have too.
    1/2" squares at 100. Was slightly low so adjusted and put away.

    Sent from my SM-G390Y using Tapatalk
    erniec, northdude and Dago like this.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2015
    If you can’t get hold of a bore sighter, a small mirror works too. Hold it up to the objective. I would centre the cross hairs - I.e. adjust so that you can only see one set of crosshairs. Once you’ve done that, run a box test, I.e. dial it around a square. If it doesn’t go back to the centre you have an issue. If ok first go, do it again but bumping the recoil pad on the floor after each adjust. If it runs that fine it is likely ok.

    6500s have very good erector system, but everything can break.
    Steve123 likes this.



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