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Thread: Scope mount options Winchester mod 70

  1. #1
    Member hunter Al.7mm08's Avatar
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    Scope mount options Winchester mod 70

    Looking for a bit of advice here. I was recently given the Father inlaws Winchester model 70 22-250 . Upon inspection it appears to have the wrong bases. The rear base only one screw hole lines up. I am wanting to mount a Bushnell ar scope which has a rather short tube so am thinking a picatinny rail may be a better option than split bases. However, as the magazine is fixed/top loading I'm worried that will make it hard to load the mag?. Any thoughts/advice appreciated.
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  2. #2
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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  3. #3
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    there is a bunch of old school bases out there for that, also offset bases for long and short scopes. I have a set of redfield bases (turn in front and windage adjustable rear), that came with my M70 back in the early 90s. With the loopy M8 that I got for it, it is very marginally too far forward as it is a little short in the scope body on that model scope.
    Too close to get too cranky about it and i have another scope to try out on it but still to do it.
    As RS has suggested Talleys might be the go, never used them myself but they would have the potential to be reversed to get things in the right pozzy
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunter Al.7mm08 View Post
    Looking for a bit of advice here. I was recently given the Father inlaws Winchester model 70 22-250 . Upon inspection it appears to have the wrong bases. The rear base only one screw hole lines up. I am wanting to mount a Bushnell ar scope which has a rather short tube so am thinking a picatinny rail may be a better option than split bases. However, as the magazine is fixed/top loading I'm worried that will make it hard to load the mag?. Any thoughts/advice appreciated.
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    Don't fuck around with inferior options which stand the chance of losing zero. Get a proper pic rail on it (this one does not require bedding) and don't look back!

    While you are at it, might as well get a set of their pic rings as well, their two piece hunting ones work fine and are very light. One inch ones here: https://spuhrwebshop.com/en/hunting/.../hp20-25a.html

    Expensive, yes. But cheaper in the long run than your rifle losing zero due to crap mounts!

    Worries regarding loading the blind mag, you can slide the cartridge into the action at a slight angle, bullet tip diagonal towards chamber and push it into the chamber a little. Then depress cartridges already loaded into mag by pressing down slightly on the rear of the cartridge (near extraction groove) and slide it back into the magazine.
    hunter Al.7mm08 likes this.

  5. #5
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    leave it alone. your current set up is ideal.... if its tight and doesnt move,leave it as it is.Ive got a set here on my old model 70 of the same vintage...if you get stuck let me know..they ARE different numbers..the bases that is,but my screw holes do line up so not sure whats happened with yours. a little locktite does wonders if they are loose. if you need any tips on how the rifle works get in touch,trigger adjustment is dead easy and the factory bedding is not hard to improove on.
    hunter Al.7mm08 likes this.
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  6. #6
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by csmiffy View Post
    there is a bunch of old school bases out there for that, also offset bases for long and short scopes. I have a set of redfield bases (turn in front and windage adjustable rear), that came with my M70 back in the early 90s. With the loopy M8 that I got for it, it is very marginally too far forward as it is a little short in the scope body on that model scope.
    Too close to get too cranky about it and i have another scope to try out on it but still to do it.
    As RS has suggested Talleys might be the go, never used them myself but they would have the potential to be reversed to get things in the right pozzy
    I found 3 different lengths of M8 4X the one I kept is the longest and oldest and in certain lights has redish/purpleish tinge to the coating on outside off top of head its over 300mm long,gives a longer scope barrel for mounting options and also has larger rear eye box.
    hunter Al.7mm08 likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  7. #7
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    Agree that if the current setup is solid and you can live with it just go with that. No issues with top loading that way which would would not be so straightforward with a one piece rail in place.
    If you're dead set on new separate rings I would use Talleys if it were my rifle. Also spendy but a "do it once and you're set" sort of situation. Cheers.

  8. #8
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    Im kinda old school, and Weaver bases with Weaver rings are reliable and dependable old school. And Winchester and Weaver have a very long history together. If it shoots as is, I'd just leave it - if it aint broke, dont fix it. If it really does bother you, I think the Weaver 46 and 47 are the 2 bases you need for the Model 70 if you stay with 2 piece. Im not a fan of single piece or rail bases that cover the ejection port, that port was made that size for a reason. Looks like a nice rig, and an older Leupold scope, probably got a bit of history and a few tall tales to go with it. That scope will piss all over a Bushnell any day of the week, and combined with the 22-250 will shoot a ways out there without any need to change.

  9. #9
    Member hunter Al.7mm08's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies guys @Husky1600 The front base has "japan" and 48 stamped on it. Rear base has no marking, so looks like they wrong bases. I agree the Leupold looks nicer than the tacticool style of the Bushnell . However it would give me more mag range and the ability to dial elevation. Looking at the numbers,if I ran MPBR setup on the Leupold that should still get me dead bunnies out to 300m ish @caberslash I hear what your saying with the one piece base but after a bit of measuring I think it would be too fiddly trying to work around it.
    As a couple of you have said"if it ain't broke don't fix it" so went out and put a few rounds through, shooting off a rolled up jacket. Pretty happy with results. Think I will end up getting a set of Talley rings as I know these ones are going to bug me. @Micky Duck will flick you a pm about adjusting trigger thanks.
    Cheers for the input guys

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    Last edited by hunter Al.7mm08; 26-12-2022 at 02:24 PM.
    erniec, Micky Duck and caberslash like this.

  10. #10
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    Godzone, South Island
    That looks like a pretty decent group! No complaints there. Remember that Bushnell scope aint got any zero stop, been the downfall of many a shooter, forgetting to dial it back to zero or dialing it one turn too many. And the cross hairs are bigger than the Loopy, and you will need the extra power over the Loopy cos the glass quality aint as good. Not much gets up and runs away from a 9X and a 22-250. Talleys will be nice and tidy.
    I'd also suggest you keep hold of the Leupold, nice as a back up and cost too much to replace it.
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  11. #11
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    mine wears a 3x9x40 loopy now,the 4.5x14 just wasnt me and hares at 300 are just too easy point and shoot. 1" high at hundy and they are deader than a dead thing.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  12. #12
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    that group is tighter than you give credit for..99% of people measure centre to centre so its more like 12mm than 20mm
    thats going be oh so much fun to use,point n shoot out to 300 easy,tiny bit of holdover after that...and thats a long way for Mr Bunny to be seen anyway. unless using rangefinder its getting into guessing game,and even then a drop chart would give you pretty good guestimate of holdover Vs dialing out to where your lightweight projectile is becoming marginal.
    erniec likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  13. #13
    Member hunter Al.7mm08's Avatar
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    I'd also suggest you keep hold of the Leupold, nice as a back up and cost too much to replace it.
    Couldn't agree more. That is actually my scope, the rifle came with a 4x Nikko on it. The Leupold is the first "nice" scope I ever brought about 20yrs ago and has been my go to ever since. Only upgraded when I started trying to shoot further out.
    At this stage I think I'll stick with it as it just suits the gun. After all everyone needs one "old-school" rifle

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  14. #14
    Member hunter Al.7mm08's Avatar
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    I'd also suggest you keep hold of the Leupold, nice as a back up and cost too much to replace it.[/QUOTE]

    Couldn't agree more. That is actually my scope, the rifle came with a 4x Nikko on it. The Leupold is the first "nice" scope I ever brought about 20yrs ago and has been my go to ever since. Only upgraded when I started trying to shoot further out.
    At this stage I think I'll stick with it as it just suits the gun. After all everyone needs one "old-school" rifle

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  15. #15
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    The old man did you a favour giving you the best calibre around for varmitting and even deer including reds



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