This is the rifle I have just bought, I dont have it in my hands yet but have had a hankering for some nice wood and something classic and this stood out to me. The current owner doesnt know much about it, has had it sitting idle for a number of years. Its built on a pretty modified P14 action, straight bolt, cock on open, trigger etc and the stock strikes me as a Kevin Gaskill? (be interested on others opinions on this) I wonder who built it?
I need to put a scope on it, I kind of like the idea of keeping it pointable, but able to take some longer shots if neccesary, call me vain but I also like a rifle to just "look right" most of the safari type builds I see run 1-5 type scopes with no objective bell and I think that would be a go on this rifle, or something older, possibly euro, 30mm, with a gloss finish. I'd like some form of ballistic ret or possibly the ability to dial, would prefer a capped turret if went down that route as I dont think a ballistic turret would look right on this rifle, unless it was pretty inconspicuous like the Zeiss DL or similar.
Im gonna take a while to have the money together to put some glass on it anyhow but interested in suggestions or opinions in the mean time? Cheers