Yeah, you've got to watch the electrical "wholesalers". I even shop around for electrical fittings b4 I buy stuff on my Cory's account.
$106 is still dear for a very small selection of screwdrivers. I wouldn't be going that way myself if I was re-equipping again.
I went the other way and purchased, over a long period of time, a large selection of just 1/4" drive tips. Mine are all made in Taiwan and of very good quality.
These included flats, phillips, PZ, square and hex, and some security tips.
Even some of the cheaper 1/4" drive sets sold at the likes of Bunnings and M10 have reasonable quality tips.
1/4" bits are what fit my torque wrench at any rate.
I also bought spares and don't have any hesitation in hollow grounding a bit to perfectly fit a screwhead. There's always that temptation to rush things and not bother getting a perfect fit, nek minnit, graunch. Nothing looks worse that a munted screw head.
I have also changed some of the action screws on my rifles from slotted to allen head screws. Yeah, doesn't always made the purist happy, but much easier to work with and no slips and graunch marks.
Last edited by zimmer; 04-11-2021 at 04:32 PM.