With all the talk of 243 I was also going to suggest the 6.5x55. They seem more comfortable for slight/ smaller shooters than the likes of 308 etc.
One point I do agree with is the 22LR. but for newer shooters wanting to practise with centrefire I would also throw 7.62x39 and 308 into the mix. Cheaper ammo / bigger selection of factory ammo means practice with something bigger than a 22 can be useful. If it is expensive to shoot (I call $3 shot expensive....) then you tend to become conservative on how many rounds you want to use for practise and sighting in.
Some of the pistol calibres can be good for practise but the likes of 7.62x39 and the pistol calbres are not much good out past 100m.
If you put a suppressor on your centrefire it can tame a lot of the recoil..(or at least feel like it is tamer...) so is well worth spending the money on.