Whats up with these major companies having such crappy websites, Swarovski's ( both US & Europe ) are rubbish, one doesn't even half half their scopes on it, so I have no idea if the Z6 3-18 & 5-30 are even still being produced.
& don't start me on Sako, fuk me these cunts are even worse, There's very few accurate dets on their new 90 models & the $9000 Quest ultra has no info at all.
Ie - apparently cutting 4" off the barrel makes no difference to the weight of a gun hahahaha, I recently brought a Quest ( 6.6lb / 3kg on the official Sako webby ) Mine came with a M18 20" barrel threaded 5/8 x 24 ( unknown to me as there was no specs about profile or threading ) & it weighs 6 lb 15oz / 3150g, that mightn't sound like a major issue but still you think a company like Sako could get it right on a 7.5k gun.
Yes "first world" problems are real lol