Originally Posted by
Quote tent SN.."I've seen them (in photos) in use at their (the USA) matches and generally their "situations" don't bear a whole lot of resemblance to our NZ shooting conditions."
I'd be more than happy to debate that...from Alaska to Maine,they have conditions in various states that are close to most conditions we have in kiwi....Fiordland may be the exception,but the "panhandle" of Alaska has something similar.Im not trying to shit on your statement at all,but Ive been lucky enough to have been to every state,Im continually surprised at what is here.
I would also suggest that the yanks are on the forefront of a lot of "fads" in the shooting world,I could point out many, in other disciplines.We have many here on this forum,I believe have spent dollars and time in the US,and for sure,a lot of it is over the top,but I think you'll you'll find many shooters/ hunters in the US,are akin to what we have in kiwi,I can attest to that as I hunt and shoot with many of them.....just a thought.
Within the crowd I hunt with,we all use bipods,no tripods.I f you look at most photos of guns posted on this forum,most have bipods,I would say that speaks for itself,....the big difference,....suppressors,an absolute basstard to get one here,not worth the effort,and limited mostly to law enforcement and for those with a special need.
My local gun club,are NRA sanctioned,but the rules regarding shooting matches are not that dissimilar to what we have in kiwi,it varies from state to state,but the rules are regarding shooting are fairly standard.
Douglas ridge,and Estacada,rod and gun club are two that I shoot.Reminds me of the shoots I attended in Makara,under NZDA rules...