Needs more use but replaces the FR8. Nice and short but hits hard
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Needs more use but replaces the FR8. Nice and short but hits hard
Sent from my SM-G390Y using Tapatalk
Not mine but I use it in France.
Recon it would go great in NZ. Under & Over 8X57jrs Fabram has a amipoint scope on it.
Attachment 134916
Attachment 134917
still reckon a SxS Bakail in .45/70 just about has to be the perfect scrub rifle...... the best barrel /most accurate/closest to sights with hot load and 2nd a lighter load,maybe a cast jobbie. or vice versa....good accurate cast load with hot one for quick 2nd shot if needed.
Thompson Contender G1 in 30-30, Aimpoint H1 and OD Alpine Hunter suppressor. Legal minimum length, weighs 2.05 kg's
Attachment 134933
CZ 527 in 223, Kahles 2-7x36 CL and OD Samson suppressor. 12.5" barrel, rifle legal minimum length, weighs 2.8 kg's
Attachment 134934
I can bring it back for you once lockdown over... @MSL has kindly stored a rifle case for me too.
Champ, already been in disussions with @MSL so yup sounds bloody great gotta love this place :thumbsup:
Kimber hunter in 6.5 creedbore. 1.75-6 vx3 and the old trusty dpt. 2.8 kg with a full mag. 16.5 inch barrel
One day, I might even get to use it......
Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
For straight out close range bush stuff my Rossi 357 carbine would be my go to. If it was for big animals and the potential to go a little further out I reckon my lee speed 303 clone will be my pick up.
Attachment 134952
Walk this morning behind house. Still factory length.
Attachment 134953
I can't play, but I'd love a Bergara single shot in 300 blackout, suppressed to be used with subsonic rounds. Plus the hunting opportunities to use something like this!