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DPT Alpine

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  1. #1
    HB. is offline
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    Shortening 30-06 barrell

    So wanting to put a new suppressor on the sako 75 30-06. Going by the specs online its a 22.(something) inch barrel from factory. So what's people's experiences/knowledge with shortening a 30-06? Only shoot out to 400 yards max. Will the muzzle blast be too much and will this have a negative effect on the suppressor db wise? I've heard 20 inch would be the minimum you want. Cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Far North
    suppressor will handle what ever you throw at it,
    the 30-06 will easily do 400 with what ever barrel length you choose. well below your 20 inch mentioned

    20 inch would suffuce tho, its all personal preferance, and it all comes down to how short you want the over all lenght
    look into how far forward of the muzzle the supperssors you look at go, hardys are 80mm compaired to alot more at gunworks
    so you could get away with a longer barrel with a hardys and not have a longer weapon



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