While buying a virgin to put in the safe is always nice, there are some great 2nd hand deals that you find that are just to good to pass up. Show off ur bargains & diamonds in the roughs
Here's a couple of mine of the pass year or two.
Top- CZ 453 Varmint with set trigger in 17 hmr with Greystone can. Basically brand new ( one scratch on barrel & someone had stuffed around with the trigger - easy fix ) This thing shoots like a demon, have shoot bunnys out to 250+ yards ( even with that ugly VX1 on it ) $ 750 what a fraken bargain
Bottom row- Browning Evolve Gold 12g semi 28" barrell & only 6 3/4 lb ( Browning made these to compete with the light weight Benelli's etc ) Hadn't done much work & timber was still mint just gave it a decent clean & it points & shoots farken mint $1200 beautiful shot'ie