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Thread: Social influencers/bloggers/utubers and the effect they have on our sports

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by MB View Post
    Thanks for writing this on the internet!
    I agree with what your saying, but I feel the internet has turned us into attention whores. Like do we really need to know how many people liked what we said.

  2. #17
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    Direct correlation between teenage( female) suicide and use of social media
    This is closest I get
    I don't twwwter orfacebook or any of that sheit
    Rn-85 likes this.

  3. #18
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    spreydon christcurch.
    all my gear is second hand budget ,but animals birds that have fallen to it have never complained -altho im now the proud owner of NEW double hearing aids which could have spme impact on it!
    I watch the hunting /spearfishing series on TV and enjoy them for what they are warts and allare more my preference though Peter Peeti of hunting aotearoa is a very good host in that he interacts with folk ,speaks and teaches te reo -related to the activity but in such a way as to keep you involved.

    personally Ive taken a few photos of my adventures over the years and my memory has many tales to tell(inevitably against myself) but unless i feel inclined im not prone to spraying across social media.

  4. #19
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    Maybe the young ones can see what's a load of shit and its just us old farts that get our knickers in a twist over it. I have to say tho I haven't seen any duck shooting or fuk all hunting stuff on youtube etc I find it pretty boring, If I feel that way inclined I go for a shoot....
    may be sarcastic may be a bad joke

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    Now I realize this is a huge can of worms,but due to recent happenings I have decided its time to put down my thoughts.
    a few years ago while watching a duckshooting DVD it suddenly struck me how different what was being shown was to anything I had seen in person over 40 years of waterfowling...and I pondered why.
    The biggest difference was the amount of shots fired per bird....3-4-5 shooters all with semi automatic guns all firing 4-5 shots EACH,to drop 3-4-5 birds
    gangbanging its been called....
    so who wins from this behaviour/way of doing it...simple the folks who make and sell ammunition..so how do they promote it??? they gift ammunition to folks who make videos etc and because its free..woohoo keep shooting.
    vastly different to the folks who pay for their own ammunition out of the already tight family budget. not to mention the whole trailer load of decoys..then flocked decoys,then mechanical decoys,then electronic callers...it goes on and on...
    I do know of a number of folks who have seen the light and gone back to using the old U/O or SxS and still bagging just as many birds.
    I got a pump when steel first came out here as finishing off woundies was hard yakka...now its not so bad,with much fewer finishing shots needed.
    right thats duckshooting.
    troutfishing has always had a degree of snobbery.... discount or sponsered rods and line ..yip its there too
    Back when semi automatic rifles were legal here I recall seeing magdumping used to cook bacon on a suppressor......again only fellas making or selling stuff benifit from that sort of tom foolery.
    now in big game hunting the influence is more subtle but its still there,in order to show what I mean I will need to go back a little bit in history.
    1940-1950 we had a huge number of deer,MOST people were using open sighted 303brits usually SMLE or a commercially suoped up one...or a post WW2 mauser that had also had a trip through gunsmith..or not.....
    then we got better optics but for 20 years it was pretty much the same. the meat hunting days saw the introduction of some really neat cartridges and awesome rifles,lighter and more accurate.... the 4" at hundred that was normal.....changed to a lot of rifles now capable of 1" at hundred,handloading improved a huge amount and became more commonplace,rangefinders and dial up scopes changed the picture more again
    fast forward to this century and we now have a huge selection of accurate rifles,a vast amount of great optics,huge pool of knowledge,thermal and night vision is now common place too in advertising,last 2 magazines have more adds for night vision/thermal than anything else....
    so what does it have to do with influencers????
    well just like duck shooting above..the folks making videos etc are using the stuff a lot..are being ifted or loaned it to try out/use and be seen to do so

    what this leads to is a new to sport person THINKING this is how its done..this is normal... watching the Duleys put novice shooter behind rifle and cleanly snot bull thar/tahr at 3-4-500 yards with single round is a pretty thing BUT it doesnt tell half of,let alone the full story..... those rifles and loads have been worked on and worked out to the tenth degree and with known range and dialable optics its doable BUT when you stop and do an add up even roughly..the amount of $$$$$ tied up in gear is absolutely gobsmacking.
    to give the Duleys credit less anyone think Im picking on them..which Im not (huge fan) they did a duckshooting episode a year or two back with one crew using old school gear Vs new gear on other crew...and young Willie has done a couple of retro hunts..sako vixen 222 and 4x scope on one and open sighted 303 on another couple.... just showing it can still be done on a budget..using older gear.
    I would hazard a guess to say that 60-75% of all deer filmed being shot are now in excess of 300 yards ......slightly different to what I believe is the normal range an animal is taken this disconect works in favour of people selling new flash rifles/scopes/rangefinders/thermals/custom hot ammunition etc

    to all you young fellas/new hunters out there..if you take nothing else from this rant,remember this YOU DONT NEED THE FLASHEST NEW EXPENSIVE GEAR to fill your freezer and enjoy your time in the out doors..recently did two polls..one shows that something like 75% of deer are shot under 300 yards and a similar % are shoulder/chest shot....... both of those figure would SUGGEST a rifle capable of 2"/50mm at hundred (yards or meters) will keep your freezer full...if animal is further away,just like Granddad did,you will have to stalk closer.
    I sincerly hope this helps someone make up mind or be happy with 2nd hand gear
    I reckon you’ve thrashed this subject to death and most members will be sick of hearing about it.

    Perhaps if you spent less time online and more time out hunting, the whole social influencer thing wouldn’t bother you so much.

    It is what it is. It’s not going anywhere. Let it go man. You will feel much better about life

  6. #21
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Let it go.... Yip great movie scene that one.....Kenny I think was called.as for thrashed to death.... Nah never mentioned it before...you must be confused.
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  7. #22
    MB is offline
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    At the end of the day, it's only money. Nothing to get your knickers in a twist over unless you don't have any. Time, that is the real commodity for me!

  8. #23
    308 is offline
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    There is bullshit and advertising everywhere, it comes down to individual reputation as to who you want to watch on YT

    Re the extra ammo used on duck videos, I note that in all toothpaste commercials they lay a whole line along the brush but you only need about a quarter of what they use, if that

    The video influencers are just the latest version of that mate that we all had growing up who wanted to tell us how to hunt/ fish/ build a fire - you know the type

    Sometimes that mate was right and stayed a friend, sometimes that mate was full of it so you just let him go cos he talked too much shit

    A lot of kids these days have pretty good bullshit meters
    Micky Duck likes this.

  9. #24
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    This is why the NZDA HUNTS program is so useful. Grounded, no bullshit, applicable, practical.

    The worse UTubers to me are not the sponsored flash Harry's but the ones on the other end. Unedited, alcohol, fowl mouthed, unethical. So called "real" but actually no more than louts. There's a couple of them.
    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
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  10. #25
    Member stuart's Avatar
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    Sooo ive made a couple Videos on yt, i like to think of them as a new version of a photo album, so when im older or if something happens to me there will be someway for my kids to still see me, there is possibly some attention whore in there as well but im not sure.
    alot can happen in editing, i have edited out misses and changed the order of things as they happened in hunts to make things flow better and i have removed things that might cause embarrassment to others.

    the flash gear thing is an interesting topic, i like nice things, always have, and it makes it easier when a company comes to you and says ill give you 50% off to use this expensive gear, or would you like to try some of this and just post about it if you like it.... i have a very small channel and it happens to me so i hate to think what the bigger guys get offered.

    anyway im rambling, if ya like it watch it, if ya dont, its all good, just be nice

    Im just a wannabe
    Last edited by stuart; 05-01-2024 at 06:43 AM.
    Micky Duck, wekaman and Rn-85 like this.

  11. #26
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    This is why the NZDA HUNTS program is so useful. Grounded, no bullshit, applicable, practical.

    The worse UTubers to me are not the sponsored flash Harry's but the ones on the other end. Unedited, alcohol, fowl mouthed, unethical. So called "real" but actually no more than louts. There's a couple of them.
    There's a lot of them that are exactly as you have described in reality also but on their best behavior for the camera

    *a lot like a lot of nzda members...
    Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles

  12. #27
    Member stuart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    This is why the NZDA HUNTS program is so useful. Grounded, no bullshit, applicable, practical.

    The worse UTubers to me are not the sponsored flash Harry's but the ones on the other end. Unedited, alcohol, fowl mouthed, unethical. So called "real" but actually no more than louts. There's a couple of them.
    yea i agree, i have made some with too much swearing for sure, but there are some creatures out there, wish i could find the one of the guy wo]ho stabbed is barrel full of dirt then showed his trick to clear it by firing a pulling a projectile and firing it....

    and agree the hunts program is great, we are just starting it here in taranaki
    Tahr and 25/08 IMP like this.

  13. #28
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    I just feel sad for the social media hunters. I've met one or 2 and it comes across to me as a ego stroking exercise like; look at me this great fearless amazing hunter who seeks self gratification.

    The other side to it to is alot of the social media types all show very obvious landmarks which gives away where they've been and I'm pretty sure there's a few of us who've had some of possies ruined by this( I have).

    For the above 2 points I don't watch much social media hunting. I'd rather be out there actually hunting than reading or watching it and I feel a heap better for it too!

  14. #29
    Member Fatberg's Avatar
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    I watch a bit of NZ-based YouTube hunting and put myself in the still young (but probably too cynical) category. I am well aware that all the flash gear being used is nice-to-have rather than must-have. Every single game animal I've ever taken was with a second-hand rifle that cost under $800, paired with scopes ranging between $250 and $500 new.

    I think young people are very aware of social media marketing and can spot a paid partnership from a mile off. Having grown up with the internet I'd say we are less prone to online foolery than the oldies.

    I'd say that only now after a few years of actively hunting and shooting on the cheap, I may have reached the point where spending a bit of money on a nicer scope, quality binos and a range finder might benefit me. As for my cheap rifles, they shoot perfectly well and don't see why they would need replacement. For a brand new shooter, I agree with your point that it's unnecessary to spend big money.
    308, Micky Duck, Finnwolf and 1 others like this.

  15. #30
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    I haven't got passed the early twenties female gym/exercise influencers, why the hell would I want to watch some dude using gear I can't afford, in places I can't afford access to, shoot deer/that/chamois?
    Nice looking women in skintight next to nothing clothing has much more appeal.
    Bagheera, XR500, Fatberg and 2 others like this.



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