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  • 6 Post By sneeze

Thread: Some rimfires I have known

  1. #1
    Member sneeze's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Some rimfires I have known

    Top : 2 1906 Winchesters.It was with trembling hands and pumping heart that I held the little .22 lining up on my first ever possum in the mid to late 60s.Its a standard built in 1935 going by the serial number.The 1906 held a place in every house I knew of at the time along with a .303 and the odd 44/40.This one still functions but is very worn and if you hold the trigger while working the action it will run like a semi ,trigger is very touchy.It was pretty much retired around 1970.The second standard was my grandfathers, manufactured in 1915 it was his from new( or so the story goes)and is still in good usable condition. Next is a miroku my Mum bought to replace the worn out winchester. It seen its share of action over the years and despite Harvey Westlands best efforts its to worn and not worth spending any money on, miss fires are just a little to common so another miroku replaced it 7-8 years ago.The mirokus are great little guns, not the most accurate but good enough for all the pigs in the bail and thousands of possums in the spotlight. When the mail started coming by road instead of boat we could sell possums to a Guy in Picton. He'd take them whole for .50 cents.We could only shoot the night before the mail which was 2 days a week, the driver wasn't that happy as it was so giving him 2-3 day old bodies to cart wasn't going to happen.It was pretty common to shoot 60-70 in a night, after the first shot with the little .22 shorts they would just run up the first tree/shrub/fencepost they could find.Most where shot pointblank.
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    The next is a 1517 anschutz in hmr, I picked up 6-7 years ago very accurate and a lota fun.Then a Marlin M60 Mudgripz convinced me I had to have, glad he did its a great little rifle.Has already accounted for a fair few pests of varying size.

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    Grim, Spanners, jakewire and 3 others like this.

  2. #2
    Member Brennos's Avatar
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    Nice collection. I do like that anschutz

  3. #3
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    Well done, wearing out multiple rimfires is a good effort!

    My Winchester pump was my Grandfathers which he bought second hand, manufactured in 1911. There is no visible rifling at the muzzle, but the action is still sound and functional. Still shoots Ok, I get it out and shoot the odd bunny or possum from time to time.
    Its been a combined effort through a couple of generations. Both the 1906 pumps are still accurate enough ,Grandads one more so.

  4. #4
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    Thats a grand collection sneeze and a good topic.
    my only foray into an unusual rimefire besides the run of the mill sterlings, norincom marlin and Cz was a Marlin levergun had a 24" barrel I think and could hold 17 or 19 rds in the tube magazine. it was also a very accurate rifle, possibly but maybe not shaded by the cz
    Anyway, as is typical for me, I wish I still had it.

  5. #5
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    Sort of collected by natural atrition really, all things being equall Mum still owns the the top 4 but shes ubable to use them these days. I like the rimfire shooting, if theres nothing moving just plinking swinging targets with the .22's or stretching the hmr out on a nice day is good for the soul.

  6. #6
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Dad has one of the 1906 Winchesters shot my first rabbit, possumand duck with it. It does the semi thing if you hold and pump and the leave the last one in the mag and grandad nearly shoots grandma in the foot thing
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.



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