I have a 7mm08 and 7mm mag. With 162gr amaxes the 7mm08 can be loaded to around 2650fps. The 7mm mag seems to like 3050. A lot of pills seem to have minimum stated working speeds of around 1800 fps. For the 7mm08 thus gives you a max range of around 610 yards (550ish m) and the 7mm mag pushes the 900 yard range. On paper this means the 7mm mag with these loads only gives a 300 yard advantage and justifixation of both/selection of which to take out could be difficult. Real world, killing animals, the 7mm mag
Knocks them over a lot harder all the way out to 600 and just as well beyond that giving the all important margin if error required in real world shooting. I would jump straight to 7mm mag. 24" barrel is easy to handle in bush etc and recoil is tolerable as is or a brake could be added to bring it down without getting heavy. In some ways i find the slower push of the 7mm mag easier to shoot than the sharper jump of the 7mm08. The 08 is still a very capable setup and ive used it effectively on steel to 800 and something and taken deer beyond 400 with it but the 7mm mag gives you greater opportunity with no real added cost, minimal increase in weight and somewhat comparable recoil.