Does anyone have one of these and how do you compare them to hardy or dpt supressors . Cheers
Does anyone have one of these and how do you compare them to hardy or dpt supressors . Cheers
Hoping to try my new one out tomorrow... I'll let you know
Yes have have had a couple.
Similar in performance to the ones you mentioned.
Impressed. Bigger than expected... couple of extra baffles forward of the muzzle as mostly will be shooting subs.
The supers reduced sound well for me. Pleasant To shoot. The guy next to me looked over and said "that's quiet!".
The subsonics were like a subsonic suppressed .22. Very happy. Would have thought It was a misfire if i hadn't seen the hole appear in the target with first shot.
Haven't used a competitors suppressor on that calibre (.300blk) so hard to compare.
Anyone else got any experience with these?
Keen on a comparison with a dpt magnum.
I have a Hardy suppressor on my 6.5 x 55. It's pretty good, but I was recently standing behind a mate with a SSRNZ suppressor on his .308 my reaction was the same as that quoted above: "wow, that's quiet." I think they're really good and I'm pretty keen to give one a try next time I'm in the market. I like the way you can add and subtract baffles.
Hmm... I like quiet!
Will have to investigate further.
I'd say all the common ones, hardy, gunworks, dpt etc will be almost identical to one another in terms of sound reduction. Mostly comes down to asthetics.
Longevity is also to be considered in a supressor.
The SSRNZ ones have stainless inserts in each baffle cone, meaning they will not corrode out like some of the other brands. Guess it comes down to how many shots you put through your rifle.
I have a 7 mm ssrnz suppressor here, extremely quiet, had about 15 shots through it.
14x1 thread
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Man... I would but I need my rifle threaded too.
Just waiting for the courier now..... Sent the Barrelled action off to Scott on Monday and it's already winging it's way back.
Ok so size wise compared to the DPT it is a bit bigger.
Same diameter though and comes back over the barrel further with a bit more forward of the muzzle.
Weighs 200 gram more but I'll take that for stainless.
A few pics of identical rifles with DPT and SSRNZ
On top of that difference SQ on my .243 I took a baffle off my DLT as soon as I got it, and it is just fine. Makes it less than 4" forward (about 3.25" I think). Its looking a bit corroded inside after a couple of hundred shots, but I guess thats the disadvantage of being able to see inside of them.