Mate just showed me his, carbon fibre, looks good, he reckons it's quieter than the gunworks one. 412 grams, for a centre fire seems quite nice, $500. Any experiance with them anyone?
Also heard the Hardy ones are supposed to be very good. Opinions?
Mate just showed me his, carbon fibre, looks good, he reckons it's quieter than the gunworks one. 412 grams, for a centre fire seems quite nice, $500. Any experiance with them anyone?
Also heard the Hardy ones are supposed to be very good. Opinions?
Machete don't text!
(.)(.) = :-)))
I have a Hardy can on my 7/08.
Weighs around 340grams and I can't fault it in any way. Combined with a limbsaver and recoil is non-existent. There has been multiple occasions where it has allowed me either a follow up shot - or to shoot another animal in the group.
I have a
240 grams S&L on my 22 Hornet - 25dB
280 gram A-tec CTM4 on my 6,5 -27dB (my hunting suppressor)
400 gram A-tec Maxim titanium -32dB (my range suppressor)
This is all good values, -32dB is very good.
I have also seen the Hausken Mini 223 suppressor, 150 grams but only -20'ish dB. I'd carry another 100 grams for the extra dB.
NZer's like terrible suppressors Thomas
The prob we have over here is everyone going lighter and lighter to the point of failure, and not backing up or/and starting again
Seems like any hillbilly thinks he can make a suppressor![]()
Or "being farmers in their shed"
Out of interest what are the supps worth in Norway?
I'd take a proven light can anyday instead of a potential handgrenade
5-600 NZD for the expensive ones, about 1000 for the really expensive everlast titaniums ???
A-tec CMM-4 are 250-280 pounds in England. Noone in England will export one though.
Roedale Delta is 230 Euros or something after you take off VAT, and a copy of A-tec CMM-4, slightly lighter though. Mine has like 400-500 rds through it now with no ill effects. Roedales customer service is "hahaha" at best though
ie "around" $500NZ for either option
Edit: Beaten like a Swedish person
My bro is in the UK remember - might look into it
google hates .no websites
and you need a permit to buy a suppressor in the UK, I think they're registered to your license there
That buggers that idea then......
Get an A-Tec from Norway if you can find a single Norwegian website
Roedale + customer service = oxymoron